Monday, February 17, 2014

Facing North with Reflector
Facing North no Reclector

Facing East with no Reflector
Facing East with Reflector

Facing South with no Reflector

Facing South with Reflector

Facing West with no Reflector

Facing West with Reflector

Monday, February 3, 2014

six photos from six different categories

 kelsey: jumping.
 Clyde and Adaybria from a kneeling position
 Goliath and Miko: Looking down
 outside my house: looking up
Self portrait; something meaningful. Longhouse
Adaybria and Clyde: Out of Focus

Cloudy summer day

This is overlooking the Onondaga Nation, which is located south of Syracuse, NY. It was taken during August of 2012 on a warm partly cloudy day. Here is Marcia Lyons who from the Hawk clan standing with her two children Illeigh and Ku-wah. Taking a break from picking blackberries, we all enjoyed the view.
What I like most about this photo is how I captured the clouds and the landscape with the family overlooking the hills. I also like how you can see the sun coming though the clouds in the trees. I just wish I would have stepped a little to the left to see the kids clearer. If I had more lighting it could of improved the quality and a better camera would improve it because I took this with my IPhone.
 I really love this picture because I enjoy being high up on the hills so you can see a lot of the land. Also the people in the picture are my family and those hills are where I grew up, so I have pride, love and good memories when I look at this picture. The first thing that catches my eye in this photo is the clouds. I think this photo is telling a story about the appreciation for the Earth and how it is important to care for the Earth we live on and to teach the younger generations the importance of treating the Earth right.

The visual focal point is the family and the main source of light is the sun.