Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Image Control: Stop Action, Blurring and Panning

Blurring 1

Blurring 2

Panning 1

Panning 2

Sharp at slow shutter speed 1

Sharp at slow shutter speed 2

Stop Action 1

Stop Action 2

Monday, March 24, 2014

Celebration of Community: St. Patricks Day Parade Syracuse, NY. 2014

dancing down the street

holding their flag

Friends waiting for parade to start; keeping warm.

young girl is tired, small dog is going for a walk, and man is handing out beads.

cold kids and puppy walking in parade
taking advantage of the big crowd

Monday, March 10, 2014

Compostion Beauty of Central New York: "Winter"

Balancing Emlement: Onondaga Nation, NY:  4pm

Creating Depth; Onondaga Nation, NY: 4pm

Leading Lines, Background. Onondaga Nation, NY;  my home, 4:30pm

Rule of Thirds: Tully, NY 4:30pm

Leading Lines: Onondaga Nation, My home, 4:30pm

Sunset: Tully, NY 5:20 pm

Monday, March 3, 2014

Seven Different Photos with different filters

charcoal sketch filter

image into shapes; Crystalize 

Painting Filter; Ink outlines. Dry Brush

Glowing Edges Filter 
Liquify Filter

No Filter

Texturizer Filter

Photo Restoration

Restored Photo: After

Before Restoration